Capacities between 500 l ÷ 10,000 l
Range of use: tanks are used to perform thermal treatments (heating, cooling, maintenance, etc.) to milk for acidophilic products or sour cream, and are entirely made of stainless steel 1.4301 complying with all standard requirements of food industry.
Structure of the basic equipment:
• Close construction CIP washing
• Stainless steel triple walls vat:
• Interior wall - mirror finish 1.4301, 2 mm thick;
• Intermediary wall – tern sheet, 2 mm thick;
• Exterior wall – glazed sheet-metal 1.4301, 1 mm thick.
• Thermo insulation with mineral wood between walls
• The space between the interior an wall and the intermediary wall has a configuration which causes a continuous hot and cold water circulation, thus resulting a high rate of thermal exchange.
• Gear motor for agitation, variable agitator speed. The agitator has a fast anchorage – disassembling system.
• Filling/evacuation tap connector, DN 40 or DN 50 (at client’s choice). The beneficiary must specify if he wishes that filling / discharge be made through a single connector placed at the bottom of the tank (most frequently with yoghurt tanks, for hygienic purposes) or to have separate connector for filling/discharge.
• Electric control panel
• Temperature sensor and temperature regulator to show product temperature